The Best Sandblasters You Can Buy Gun Kits + More

Type Of Sandblaster


Sandblasters that use a gravity feed system have a hopper to hold the sand. The projectiles are stored in the hopper located on top of the blaster. When the blaster activates, the blaster media is released along with the air steam; the two are propelled forward in gravity.

The majority of models can be found in the form a handheld sandblaster. This is a great option if you are short on time or resources.


A sand blaster uses pressurized canisters of varying sizes loaded with your chosen abrasive material. When you activate the switch, the abrasive material and air are released through a single opening.

This media is great for cleaning stones and glass and is the most widely used. The most popular method for high-pressure stain removal is the pressure sandblaster. They require little maintenance.

This particular version is more expensive because the abrasive material is disposable after each use. Despite the high price tag, these blasters are quite reliable and simple.


Sandblasters with siphons use compressed air to create a vacuum. It receives its compressed-air supply either from a dedicated compressor, or from the company’s central pneumatic network. Vacuum then draws the abrasive material into the barrel.

Despite being exceptionally long-lasting and sturdy, these sand blaster models are among the most affordable on the market.

If the blasters mechanism produces slow results, large-scale projects can take longer to complete.



These blasters are designed for accuracy and can travel anywhere the job takes them. A useful application is stripping vintage automobiles of rust and paint before they are repainted. They can also be used to etch glass.


Because they are fixed in place, these devices can’t be easily transported. When mobility is needed, they can be attached to mobile wheeled carts. These sandblasters can be used to remove old paint from buildings.


These huge blasters must be transported in specially-designed vehicles. These blasters are often required for outdoor jobs such as removing paint from large structures.

They are used primarily by large building companies. They are extremely costly to purchase and operate and are therefore classified as heavy machinery.

Pressure And Flow

Sandblasters require a certain level of air pressure in the tank or chamber that houses the blasting chamber. Between 60 and 125 PSI is the typical operating pressure range for sandblasters.

The more working psi a sandblaster has, the more effectively it can remove rust, paint, and other substances. You need a compression tank to generate high pressure to run a sandblaster.

An air compressor must have a suitable air flow rating. This is measured in cubic feet per hour (cfm) and pressure (psi). Some compressors require a cubic feet per minute rating of at least 7. Others may need as high as 12.

Airflow Strength

There is a minimum airflow rating or requirement that the air compressor in your device should meet. There are many sandblasters available on the market. They have airflow ratings that range from the low sevens (CFM), to the high twelveths (CFM).

Blasting Material


Some of the harsher components of this abrasive substance include bicarbonate of soda and baking soda. A soda blaster is a common go-to tool because it removes metal rust and grime from surfaces without damaging the material.

Glass Beads

Glass beads are one of the solutions if you want your surfaces to look shiny and polished. These soda-lime beads are great for building unique metallic treatments, treating scaly surfaces, and powder coating materials.

Grit and Alloy Shots

If you plan to blast a lot, we recommend steel shot and grit abrasives. Use these to remove old paint and rust without damaging the underlying surface, and then use that as a foundation for your epoxy and resin projects.


It’s a well-known fact that the faster a machine works, the quicker it can do detail work. However, the machine must also be more abrasive.

However, highly efficient models are not currently applicable to the processing of soft materials. So, how do we know if a machine is effective? This should include the size of the tank, working pressure, airflow rate and blasting material.

You can work longer with models with larger tanks than models with smaller ones.

The surface treatment speed is directly affected by the operating pressure and airflow rate. These factors determine the intensity of the abrasive compound’s flow.

Finally, different abrasive materials are best suited for various surfaces due to their varying sizes and types.

Soda is a soft abrasive substance that can be used to treat metal surfaces, wood and lumber. It can also be used for the removal of mold or the repair of fire damage.

It is prized for its ability to remove dirt and grime without causing damage to the substrate. Silica sand and coarse-grained abrasives are good for removing paint or slag.

Extra Features

You may need to consider special characteristics such as the material of a cabinet panel, non-plastic doors, PSI and CFM, or illumination.

These tips will help you find and purchase a high-quality sandblasting machine. For more information, make sure to examine all options.


After settling on the ideal sandblasters type and performance, think about what comes with it. You should choose a type that has a long hose to allow you to move freely while working.

A long hose will not work with high flow compressors because the fluid’s operational pressure drops. Sandblasting has a wide range of nozzles that can accommodate different diameters of abrasive materials. This increases its versatility.

Remember that ceramic nozzles have a longer service life than their steel counterparts, making them the obvious pick. If your gadget doesnt already come with safety glasses and a hood, you should acquire those.

Finally, think about the weight when deciding on a portable model, and if you need a steady-state sandblaster, the one with wheels is the best option.


What is the pressure I should set on a sandblaster?

Sandblasters work best at pressures between 50 to 45 kg per square inch (PSI). However, every sandblaster has specific needs and preferences, so you must check carefully before starting your DIY projects.

Which is more effective, soda blasting or sandblasting?

Since soda is a very mild abrasive, it is more typically used to clean metal surfaces like aluminum than sand, better suited for more vital tasks like road construction.

Is sandblasting dangerous or safe?

Dust contamination from abrasive sandblasting is much higher than that from nonabrasive methods, which may include abrasive media debris.

These materials can contain toxic and unpleasant compounds that could pose a threat to the health of everyone.

Is it a good idea to put sand in a sandblaster.

Material used to blast abrasives must be uniform in size, hardness, shape. As this isnt the case with regular sand, you should probably stay away from it to protect your lungs.

What abrasive should I use for sandblasting?

For sandblasting, quartz sand is the best available inexpensive abrasive. It is made from pure quartz that has been screened and ground. It is far more consistent and has a greater capacity to hold dirt than sand from the ground.

Can I use my sandblaster in cold or icy weather?

You can use a Sandblaster even when it is raining or cold outside if you follow the instructions. Because it can be used all year round, soda is great for cleaning. It is particularly useful in winter.